About Me

So, I'm Kristie. My apron says "Chef Mess" and I am a relative newbie to cooking.  I recently bought me own home and no longer have my momma and papa cooking for me.  I've been working on figuring it out.

I'm a special education teacher by trade.  I work in a charter school with extended hours (7:15-5:15), 2 Saturdays a month, and I go back to school in July. I love what I do, yet it can be VERY stressful, especially because they are middle schoolers. I am in graduate school, too, hoping to improve my craft.

I began cooking out of necessity.  I was tired of fast food and over processed meals.  I have a figure I'm trying to get back! As I've been cooking, I've been using less processed, prepackaged foods and LOVE that. So if it's fresh it's best.  I started this experience by posting pictures I took of my new food ventures on facebook. Soon people were messaging me right and left for recipes.  So here I am.  I love food (please note my near-plus sized appearance for now).

In my "spare" time (not teaching and not cooking), I love to read and play/watch sports. I'm close to Philadelphia so I am a Philly sports girl through and through.  However, my favorite sport is field hockey.  I played for years and I've been coaching for years.

If you have any questions, ask! If not, sit back and enjoy this ride!