Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Curry and Fish, but not the same meal

Last night I made curried steak. I made soy sauce marinated fish.

CURRY and Steak
1 small steak (because it's just me) frozen and sliced thinish
Seasonings (I eye balled it but I figure around 11/2 tbsp each
ground coriander
Fresh pepper ( about a teaspoon)
1-2 Tbsp of Chili powder
1 tsp red pepper flakes
4 minced garlic gloves (2 tablespoons)
White Wine Vinegar
Tomato sauce

Every recipe I saw called for major amounts of spices, so I couldn't really figure it out.

First I took the pepper, coriander and cumin and toasted the spices over low heat for about 5 minutes.

Then I chopped piece of onion and threw it in my Magic Bullet. I also added garlic and the spice concoction. Add a little white wine vinegar to allow it to come together 2-3 tbsp. Add Chili powder and pepper flakes

add about 1/2 cup of tomato sauce to the concoction and blend well.

Take frozen steak and cut into slices (frozen allows for easier cutting.)

Throw steak in a pan with very little oil.  Add curry sauce and cook until hot and steak is cooked.

The chili powder controls the heat.  Alter it as desired.

Tonight I made weakfish that my daddy had caught and froze.

Soy Sauce Marinated Fish

Weakfish or other desired fish
Reduced fat soy sauce
Onion diced (to your liking)
2 pepperoncini peppers

Take fish and throw into a bowl.  Add soy sauce, I'd say I used about 1/4-1/3 cup. Onions, peppers. Cover and let marinate for 30 min (15 min per side if not covered)

Take some foil to make a baking pouch.  Pull long piece and fold in half.  Then fold the sides up so it resembles sort of a box.

Place fish and dump all marinade into the pouch and cover.  Bake at 350 for about 15-18 min or until fish is cooked and flaky.

Remove and enjoy!!!!


BTW just realized something is wrong with my camera.  I will fix it.

Happy Grub Tubbing!

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