Tuesday, August 30, 2011


So to continue with leftovers, I figured I'd use some of the pasta I had left and utilize some of the veggies that were starting to go bad.  I was super excited for the meal until I tasted it.  I don't know if it didn't cook enough or what, it was so yuck.  I also know that I will NEVER leave skin on eggplant again.

However, I figured I'd post it anyway to prove not everything I make is edible.

Leftover pasta
1/2 zucchini
1 yellow squash
1 eggplant
ancho chilli powder
garlic and herb Ms. Dash-ish type stuff
Low sodium soy sauce
Parm. cheese.

put in a pan with some hot oil and add desired amounts of seasonings. Cook for about 3-5 min.  then add soy sauce.  Cook a few minutes longer.....

 Top with parm. cheese and eat.

Looks yummy, but BLECK! I pulled out every piece of the vegetables and ate the pasta with soy sauce.

Now I'm still hungry, I have to clean up the kitchen and I don't even wanna see anymore pasta for a month!

So try it if you want to, but this will be a never again meal for me :(

Monday, August 29, 2011

Hurricane Irene

So I've been slacking just because I can.  No grad school classes and school hasn't picked up yet. Today I figured I would recap and cook about Irene that loved us this past weekend.

So between me preparing foods that could be eaten cold and my parents bringing stuff up, this is what my fridge looks like today.  Time for leftovers!!!!!

So tonight, I made a new meal of leftovers.

I made leftover catfish, my friend Nichole's mom's collard greens, and the butt ton of pasta I had prepped in case of a loss of power. I nuked everything except the fish, which I wrapped in foil and heated through.

So Irene was supposed to be devastating, and in places it was, but my family escaped unscathed.  My parents who live down the shore came to stay with me until it was over.  So now I figured I would share some hurricane pics.....

Above is my backyard Saturday afternoon.  Just normal rain.

Downpour....it's a coming about 9:30 pm.

Sunday Morning......still swampy!
Random branch from my neighbor's tree

Branches from a tree in my backyard. The extent of all my "damage"

My wind blown garden.....Everything but the zucchini plants held up well.

Random dead snake.....I also had a dead baby bird.....but that skeeved me....he was crushed.......so snake will suffice.

I anticipate making lots of leftover creations this week......let's see what I can come up with.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


So after I burnt myself, I got burnt on my face....my mom made me promise not to go in the kitchen for awhile.

However, I'm mostly healed now....a nice nasty scar on my finger and just a little pink left on my face.

I've started documenting some meals, but nothing is really exciting right now....I did make fajitas last night, maybe I will post those tomorrow...

Keep reading, keep eating, keep on GRUB TUBBIN'!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Dinner and a burnt finger

Between grad school kicking my butt and work.....posting has been difficult.

Tonight I cooked a pasta using fresh cherry tomatoes from my friend Ruth and fresh basil from my garden.

I eyeballed everything so cook it how you'd like

You'll need:
pasta of your choice
3-4 Tbsp olive oil
2 cloves garlic finely minced
6 fresh basil leaves
cherry tomatoes

Cut your tomatoes into quarters.  Heat skillet over medium heat and heat oil.  Add garlic and cook for about two min.....DON'T BURN THE GARLIC. Add tomatoes heat through.

Roll 3 basil leaves tightly, and using kitchen shears, cut basil extremely thin and add to tomatoes.
Toss with pasta and enjoy.

So then I wanted to try my hand at brittle. I had sunlower seeds so sunflower seed brittle it was!

It's super simple.....

1 Cup sugar
1 Cup of sunflower seeds (salted)
1 Tbsp butter
1/4 tsp salt.

In a small sauce pan, melt the butter.  When melted add the sunflower seeds and salt.....stir in and keep warm. (sorry about the angle)
Then in a large skillet, melt the sugar over medium high heat.  Stir it constantly.

As it melts, it will begin to clump up.

Continue to melt the sugar until golden brown.

Add sunflower seeds and mix.  Then dump on a well buttered cookie sheet to spread and cool.

Then break apart and enjoy.

So about the burnt finger.... as I was melting the sugar, some of it spilled onto my finger.  After 20 min of ice it looks like this.

The blister is now halfway down to the second bend in my finger.  This stuff hurts.....so lets just say I'm trying to type normally minus the right index finger and it's taken almost 45 min to type this, I apologize for any typos, but I am sure you'll forgive me.

An hour and a half later it looks like this 

Monday, August 1, 2011

So I found my Camera

I've been MIA because I lost my camera.  I made a kick butt cream sauce last week and took pics but then I lost it.

So I found it and now I am back to posting.

1/2 onion carmelized
mushrooms (to your liking)
1 small steak (marinated in balsamic vinegar) and chopped
heavy cream (eyeball it)
1-2 tbsp of butter
6 oil packed sun dried tomatoes

While the steak was marinating, I carmelized 1/2 an onion in butter.  When the onions were about done, I added chopped mushrooms.  When the mushrooms were tender enough, I added the marinated steak.

I cooked the steak until it was just about done.  Then I added the cream to cover most of the add ins. Then I chopped and added the sun dried tomatoes.

Then I just cooked the sauce, stirring constantly until it thickened enough to my liking 3-5 minutes.
I served this with garden veggie pasta.  It was so amazing.  I think the ingredient that made it was the sun dried tomatoes.

Well, it seems I am back!!!! Can't wait to continue sharing my goodness with you...heck, you may have 2 postings tonight.